n-Dame_Heritage: n-Dimensional analysis and memorisation ecosystem for building cathedrals of knowledge in heritage science
Welcome to attend the first DHV seminar in 2023! During the seminar, Livio De Luca, research director and coordinator of the Digital Data Working Group of the CNRS, will present ongoing research related to the restoration of Notre Dame in Paris.
Time: February 16, 2023, 13:00–15:00
Location: Room Bergsmannen in Aula Magna, Stockholm University and Zoom
To register, send an e-mail to by February 10
The research on cultural heritage makes the confrontation between material objects and multidisciplinary studies the arena for the production of collective knowledge. In the digital age, this is then a privileged framework for studying the collective analysis and interpretation of facts, objects and phenomena that bring together a new generation of data towards the construction of new scientific and cultural resources – our tomorrow’s heritage. How can one memorise these bundles of individual gazes converging on the same object of study? How can one analyse their dynamics of construction, of overlap and of fusion leading to new knowledge?
Our project introduces a new field – a territory of multidisciplinary and multidimensional digitally born data – as raw material for studying the mechanisms of knowledge production in cultural heritage. Introducing a pioneering approach in computational modelling and digitisation, this project benefits from the exceptional experimental framework of the scientific worksite on Notre-Dame de Paris (involving today 175 researchers coming from disciplines like archaeology, anthropology, architecture, history, chemistry, physics and computer science) to build an emblematic corpus of data on scientific practices in heritage science, in the digital age.
By introducing and experimenting next generation methods and tools for the semantic-driven data production and analysis, we aim to shift the cursor of digitisation, from the physical object to the knowledge for understanding it, in order to analyse the interdependence between its complex features and the related knowledge objects built by scholars through their research practices.
Livio De Luca is research director at CNRS (The French National Centre for Scientific Research) and director of CNRS/MC-MAP (Models and simulations for Architecture and Cultural Heritage) unit. He is also the General Co-chair of the UNESCO/IEEE/EG DigitalHeritage international congress (Marseille 2013, Grenade 2015) and coordinator and member of international (FP7, Marie-Curie, H2020) actions. His research activities focus on surveying, geometric modelling and semantic enrichment of digital representations of heritage objects. More info

Screen shot from an interactive 3D web viewer, showing the cathedral before the 2019 fire. Photo: V. Abergel, L. De Luca/CNRS/Vassar College/GEA/Chantier scientifique Notre-Dame de Paris Ministère de la Culture.